How My Choice® Works

If you’re going to take My Choice®, you want to know how it works
So let’s start with the facts.
What My Choice® is:

Similar to birth control pills, My Choice® works by temporarily delaying the release of an egg from the ovary, so there’s no egg to meet the sperm. No egg, no fertilization, no pregnancy.

You can find My Choice® yourself in the family planning aisle. There’s no ID or Rx needed, and no age requirement to purchase.

Not ready right now, but think you might want to get pregnant in the future? Taking My Choice® now to help prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex won’t hurt your ability to get pregnant in the future.
How does My Choice® fit into your birth control regimen?
Primary methods of birth control are meant to be used before sex to prevent a pregnancy. These methods can range from things like condoms (which can be found right at the store without a prescription) to birth control pills or IUDs (which need to be prescribed by your doctor).
Emergency contraception (like My Choice®) is a form of birth control that is meant to be used if your primary method failed (like a condom broke or you missed pills) or you forgot to use primary birth control. My Choice® is used to help prevent pregnancy after sex and must be taken within 72‑hours after unprotected sex or if your primary birth control failed. The sooner you take it, the better it will work. It is not meant to be used as a regular form of birth control because it is not as effective.

Keep in Mind
My Choice® won’t interfere with your regular birth control methods or make them any less effective. So, you can continue your regular birth control right away—or start one, if you don’t have a regular method.
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